The highlight of our day today was shooting hoops at the YMCA. Gabe loves to play basketball. Even though the hoop is too high for him, even though there were teenagers that were playing in the gym, even though I was ready to go home....Gabe just wanted to play and play. How can a mom say no to something like that? I didn't....we shot hoops at the Y for almost two hours. Playland didn't even detour my little basketball player. And, the teenagers thought Gabe was really cool playing for so long so, he made some friends.
We went to Grandma and Pop's for dinner. It was wonderful, I didn't have to cook. Our favorite game at Grandma and Pop's was turning out all the lights and run around scaring each other. Who thought that would be fun?
I did some prioritizing of my life today. I cut back on some things that I'm involved in and am feeling really good about my decision. I am just a little in over my head with three boys and all the activities that we do. I know that life will continue to be crazy but, I need to slow down and enjoy my kids instead of always being in such a hurry to go here and there. I need to rock Eli more, I need to read books to Gabe and Owen more, I need to just slow down and breath. Hopefully, I'm getting there and learning a lot on the way!
Here are a few moments from today: Eating a snack and playing with baby Eli. Now, I'm calling it a night and going to bed!