Life has a funny way of putting everything into perspective. What seemed really hard to me 10 years ago seems like a piece of cake today. This may be hard for me to explain, but it has been on my mind today. 10 years ago, I was working full time and getting my master's degree. I didn't think that I had time for anything. I was so busy and it seemed so hard at the time. 5 years ago, I had one son and was working and I didn't think things could get any harder. 3 years ago, I had two sons, stayed at home full time and thought things were really hard. So, here is where I'm at today. I have 3 sons (1 preschooler, 1 toddler, and an infant), my husband is across the country working, and I'm running this house by myself. I can truthfully and honestly say that I have never been so busy, and so overwhelmed in my life. Give me back my full time job and full time school schedule, it was a piece of cake. What I'm doing right now is hard. It's stretching me to limits that I didn't know existed. It's bending me in ways I never wanted to bend. Everything is hard and complicated. I know in the bottom of my heart that God has placed these things in my life to make me the person he wants me to be and the funny thing is, I've never been happier. My life may be hard but it is also joyful, contented, and full of love.
For example, God definitely wanted me to become more patient and it's working only because I have no other choice. Here is a situation from today. Eli was crying because he was hungry and I just start to feed him when I realize that Owen has had an accident in his pants. I have to put the baby down and do damage control before I have poop all over my house. Eli is not happy and screams at the top of his lungs while I run Owen to the bathroom. While I'm in the bathroom the phone starts to ring and Gabriel is yelling something about Bridger getting outside our gate. What can I do? I can't shout out in anger. I have to take a deep breath. I have to let Eli cry, the poopy pants come first and the phone and Bridger can wait. I took one thing at a time. After the drama is over and I have picked up Eli and Owen is again clean and dry, I think, I'm doing this...all by myself, I 'm taking care of these three boys and I didn't lose my temper. These moments of satisfaction are short because there are more messes to clean, books to be read, laundry to do, and phone calls to make. God IS making my more patient. This is a good thing.
I honestly think that whatever I do in life will be nothing compared to what I'm doing right now....then again I thought working full time and going to school was hard. What did I know? Like I said, God is changing my perspective on a few things, his way, not mine!
Here are some pictures of my littlest blessing Eli Paul. How can these not bring a smile to your face.