A 7 year old boy, a black lab, a mother, and a beautiful Wyoming afternoon.
A boy and his best friend. As a baby, he used to crawl on him, pull his ears, and poke his eyes. As a toddler, he used to ride on him. As a little boy, he understands him better. He understands his need to be outside. Running. Exploring. This makes them a perfect pair. A boy and his dog.
The path that they follow is the same and as I watch them both running down the unknown trail my heart skips a beat. The love that I have for them. The love for this beautiful landscape, it's one of those moments that God gives us where time stops and the perfection of the moment is felt in the heart. No future, no past, just the moment and the beauty all around.
A tree has fallen over. We look to the other side and want so badly to cross over and go where it would have been impossible without the tree. The 7 year old turns around and smiles at me. "Watch this, mom" he says. He starts to cross. Stops halfway, from fear. Turns around and comes back.
I decide to give it a try. I cross the log and ask him to try again.
This time, I cheer him on. When he stops and almost comes back. I tell him he can do it. I clap for him. I tell him where to put his feet. With my little bit (or a lot?) of encouragement, he crosses the log. When he is on the other side, I see his huge smile and feel his sense of accomplishment. In this moment, this makes my job at a mother make sense. Isn't this what I am suppose to be doing? Encouraging and letting go so that he can accomplish his goals and dreams. I smile to myself as we continue.

Yes, these are the moments when all the chaos of being a mother makes sense. Outside, spending time together, exploring, and trying things that make us fearful. Only to find that we could do it the whole time. As we walk back to the house, I stop and give Gabriel a big hug and tell him how proud I am of him. He looks at me and rolls his eyes because all he really wants to do is get back home with his brothers where lunch is waiting, while I just want to savor these moments a little longer. And, I will because this walk has given me a new perspective. A new found energy. My love for my son grew a little deeper on this day.