Spending time with Pop. When you spend time with Pop, you are spending time with his horses. My dad has one place that he wants to be. Looking through the ears of a horse. His world is right when he is seated in his saddle and he can see everything between those ears. Everything makes sense and the only frustration happens to be a stubborn or a wild horse. He can fix that. He can ride them down until they aren’t stubborn anymore. He can teach them which way to go and how to get there. He takes race track thoroughbreds that run away with you and turns them into polo ponies. He takes the same horse and teaches them to pack elk.
His horses are his best friends and they often make him mad but they also understand him. My dad needs to be moving all the time. At a fast pace. He needs the pounding of those hooves and the wind sailing beneath his cowboy hat/polo helmet. He needs the wild freedom that his horses provide. Maybe that is why he decided to move to Wyoming? Wild Wyoming. A place he could ride his horses for miles and miles, up an down hills, across rivers and through the mountains. Where he can run wild and free chasing a polo ball with that Don King buckle always in the back of his mind. I honestly can’t see my dad living anywhere else. Where else could he be a Cowboy on the Powder River? Where else could he play 20 chukkers of polo a week? Where else would his heart be right?

This is the place he has become the person he always wanted to be. A Wyoming Cowboy. A place where his horses and him have competed in hundreds of polo games. A place where he has raised his horses and his family and kept us all coming back for more.
While Pop rides his horses, my boys play football on the polo field. Just like me, none of them have a passion for Pop’s horses. I wish we did. I wish I felt the same way about these creatures as my dad does. I wish I had his passion for it but God didn’t put that in my heart. It was something different. I think at times Pop wishes we would be up there playing with him also but we aren’t.
We still love him and to spend time with him is to be with his horses. So, we come to the polo field to see him. We help him clean his stalls. We even ride with him when we can.
We love you Pop and your horses.