I just love baby feet. There is something about those little toes that makes my heart melt. This might be some sort of fetish. Is there such a thing as a baby feet fetish?
This is day 2 of being sick. Day 2 of being in the house all day, laying around, watching movies, and taking naps. I'm going a little crazy. I always get this way when a round of sickness hits us. It's miserable. I do have to say a big THANK YOU to my mom who came over yesterday and helped with the boys. Thanks mom, you are a true life savor. Not sure what I would have done without your help. Megan also came over with dinner last night. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and to live so close to them.
Bryan left for Cleveland, Ohio yesterday morning. This surely isn't helping my mood. Miss him and the boys miss him. Owen doesn't quite understand that he is gone and keeps asking for him. He didn't want Auntie Megan to sit in his dining room chair last night. "That's daddy's chair" he kept telling her. So cute and so stubborn because he never gives up very easily.
Eli is busy using his hands to grab toward things. He is growing like crazy and is almost 4 months. He's an angel. Such a good baby. He is content to hang out with us and loves his big brother, Gabriel. He laughs at him and watches him very intently. He loves when Gabe talks to him, sings to him, and even makes really funny noises.
I'm really hoping that we are all heathy in the morning and can get back into our routine. I would love some adult interaction at this point. I have MOPS in the morning and always look forward to our meetings.
Here is my angel, laughing at me.
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