I am beyond proud of Gabriel. He is an amazing little boy who has amazed me this year in school. He has exceeded my expectations of him in every area and is now a 1st grader. I just can't express how proud I am to be his mother.
Here he is hard at work with Mrs. Payne |
Gabriel in his classroom |
Part of his success is due to his teacher Mrs. Payne. It has been a such a blessing to have her as part of our lives this past year. We will miss seeing her everyday!
Gabe and Mrs. Payne |
Graduation day. Kindegarden graduation that is. Grandma, Owen, Eli, and I arrive at Gabe's school bright and early on Thursday morning to watch Gabriel's program and see him graduate. The kids prepared a cute little program for the parents and Gabriel did a great job entertaining all the parents.
Getting ready to sing! |
After the program we headed back to Mrs. Payne's room for the Graduation ceremony and to watch a slide presentation of the kids over the last year. I hate to admit it but, I cried during the presentation. Watching Gabe doing so well in school and make so many friends made me all emotional. After I wiped away my tears and pretended like I wasn't crying Gabe accepted his Kindergarten certificate and turned into a 1st grader.
Gabe and Owen playing and enjoying cookies and lemonade |
Me and the boys....celebrating! |
Awe, mine is a first grader now, too. And all I can think of is how proud I am of him, like you and yours! Precious!