The smell of burning hair, screaming animals, good food, good friends, and lots of fun. It's BRANDING TIME in Wyoming. My boys first branding. It's been many years since I've come to a branding at the Hoyt's place. I have such fond memories of them as a kid, I didn't want my boys missing out on the fun. So, three blond Dahl boys experienced their first branding. When we first arrived, they were a little in shock. They stood in one place without saying a word for at least 1/2 an hour. Here they are, standing and starring. They can't quite figure out what we are doing to those poor little calves. After the shock wears off, they run off and play. We had a wonderful day outside with some wonderful people. Here are some snapshots from the 2010 Hoyt branding.
Here is Pop making sure the branding irons stay hot.
Owen enjoying a peanut butter and honey sandwich.

Here is the boys playing (Gabe, Trace, and Caiden) on the fence.
Here is my two favorite girls having a very serious discussion. Don't they look alike!
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