I was able to cook dinner and have my family over for a nice lunch. My mom and dad, Megan, Ron, and Amaya, Linda (Ron's mom), and Josh and Lauren Smith all came up to the house after church on Sunday. I feel very privileged that I was able to do something nice for my mom and Ron's mom. They are such wonderful women! It's such a blessing to be able to spend time with my family and also Megan's family. It makes life so much more fun to have a big extended family to spend time with. I'm looking forward to many holiday's with the Cooks and Smiths.
The day was perfect except for my missing husband. Without him, it just wasn't the same. I'm holding strong and can't wait until he can come home!
Enjoy the pictures of our day. Doesn't Megan look so cute pregnant? She is just beautiful. She is going to have that baby soon. Her due date is May 23rd. And, what about Amaya the movie star? Love it!

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