Brothers totally engrossed in their sucker. Ah, simple pleasures.

Taking a break. Owen and Gabe are watching Go Diego, Go Diego. The cartoon is telling the boys to waddle like penguins. Owen is such a cute penguin. He waddling around the TV room while he brother is laughing at him. I'll be sad when the boys grow out of these silly cartoons. I love that they can watch something cute on TV and I can have a small mommy break.
Outside my window I see rain, puddles, and cloudy skies. When the sun decides to make an appearance everything is going to be so green. We have gotten a lot of moisture the past three days. Rain, Rain, Rain.
Kids always surprise me. When I think they are going to react one way, they do the opposite and I'm left with a wrong assumption. Gabriel did this to me today. I thought for sure he was going to react one way and he did the exact opposite and it made me smile.
You see, we had a busy morning. First we went to the pancake breakfast at the YMCA. The pancakes there are delicious and the kids really enjoy the breakfast they have there once a month. After the breakfast, Gabe went to Preschool and Owen and I went to MOPS (mothers of preschoolers). Pretty normal so far. The problem happened when I let time get away from me. Gabriel's preschool ends at 11:00. At 11:15, I looked up at the clock and realized that I was really, really late to pick up Gabe. Off I ran to get him. I knew he was in good hands but I felt awful that I had forgotten to pick him up in time. I imagined in my mind that he would be so upset by the time I got there. The worst case was running through my head. By the time I was halfway to his preschool, I was in tears. I called Bryan and irrationally cried about how upset I was and what a terrible mom I was. I even told him that he had to come home because I couldn't handle all this myself. I imagined my little boys face. His sad eyes and tears streaming down his face. His mom forgot him for goodness sake. I rushed into the Y, wiping my own tears. When I found Gabe, he was sitting with his teacher laughing about something. This is not what I expected. Gabe's teacher told him that I was probably stuck in traffic from the rain and they were calmly waiting for me. Gabe wasn't upset. When I told him that I lost track of time, he looked up at me and said "mom, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine". Then, he gave me a big hug. Wow, he surprised me. I called my husband and was an irrational mess for nothing. By the way, Bryan, thanks for listening to me! I assumed the worst and then realized how mature my son really is. I could have saved myself a lot of heartache if I would have been more rational, realized I had made a mistake, and not gotten so upset.
I did learn something today. I need some kind of organizer for my life. I can't run my life with three boys without some sort of reminder system. So, I spent the afternoon looking at all my options. Blackberry, Palm Pilot, or other cell phone. I need something with an alarm that will help me remember all the things that I need to do and places that I need to go. I can't depend on my own brain when I have so much to remember and to do everyday. I'm confident that this will help. So, I'm off into the world of technology to find an organizer that may save myself anymore humiliation because of my overreactions.
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