Wednesday, July 5, 2017

An afternoon with Pop

Pop needed a little help on all his projects.    The grass was long, the groom didn't show up, and he needed a little help at the rent house.   Good thing I have some children that would tag along and offer some help!!

The boys in Pops tractor at the rent house

 Grooming for Pop

 Pop, we had a really fun day with you!!

Sunday, July 2, 2017

A special spot

Many years ago I discovered a walking trail near Grammy's house.   A hidden gem just 1 block away where you could walk down into a valley and was completely surrounded by the beauty of Wyoming.  A place hidden in the trees with little bridges to cross, islands to explore, and logs to cross.    

Every year, I can not wait to get down to this special place.  A place where the world is left behind and I just walk and explore and see God's beauty.    As I think about this place I realized that each year it changes and grows with me.    

The first year I came to this place Gabriel was 2.    He and I would walk alone just a little way down the trail crossing the bridges every so slowly so we could throw in rocks and toss a rope into the river so he could catch crabs like in "Deadliest Catch".  Bridger would run ahead of us and wonder why we were so slow.    He always stayed close and loved exploring the river yet he wanted to run.  Owen would stay home with Grammy as she rocked him in her rocking chair because he was to little to come with us.

As the boys grew, every time we came to Grammy and Gramps we would go on an adventure to our secret trail.   We would load up on sticks and would take our time each time we went.   I remember one year the boys found a sand pit along the trail.    We stayed for an hour digging and digging looking for a golden nugget buried deep in the soil.    

Amaya grew to love our walks also.  She loved tagging along behind the boys, jumping the river and exploring the little islands we would find. She would laugh and laugh when Owen would fall in and his shoes would make a squishy sound all the way home.

Then, I remember pushing Eli's stroller up and down the hills.   Over the years the wash outs would make the hills steeper and steeper and one afternoon I couldn't quite get the stroller up the steepest hill.   So, Amaya had to hold Eli while I pushed the stroller first and ran back down to grab Eli.   She was always my helper.

Soon it became time for Eli to run on the trail and as Eli became faster and faster, Bridger became slower.   He would stay closer to us and wouldn't jump across the river as fast but he never stopped loving our special trail.

Now,  Mocha and I walk the trail every morning.   I get up early so I can get her out of the house before she wakes everyone up running and jumping on all the beds.    Mocha runs and runs.  She jumps up and over the banks and smells every part of the trail looking for birds.  She catches a scent and stops....starring at it and deciding what to do before she runs head first into it as fast as she can.   When we first came down to the trail she ran so far and so fast she kept crashing into the banks and misjudging the jumps over the river.   I kept telling her to slow down but I don't think she could help herself.

And the boys?    They still walk the trail.....without their mom.   They take Mocha on their own and walk her and I wonder if the remember all the hours that we spent together in this place....growing bigger every single year.

Ice cream and The Bighorns

After Owen's big catch we had to celebrate.  A little ice cream was in order.

While we are fishing and enjoying ice cream you might be wondering what our little princess is doing.     And I would love to show you....yet none of the pictures with be with us.  They will all be with her new family.  Her other family who does girl things.  A "new mom" and new sisters.  A house that is filled with pink tutus and dolls and everything girls.   I would just say that it seems to be girl heaven and Grace is enjoying every single moment.   

Looks like Grace's new family loved a day in the Big Horns....especially Gma.

Saturday, July 1, 2017


The boys didn't want to hang out to long at Grammy and Gramps.   They had a strategy for fishing this afternoon.    A big strategy.    They talked excitedly about what they would use and exactly where they would fish.    They were ready to go back out to the Wetlands and give it another try.

The boys have waited all year for these carefree days of fishing.   They have stood out by our pool in the backyard and thrown a thousand casts.  They changed lures on their lines and watched how they acted in the water for hours dreaming of this time when they could stand together with their cousin and catch a really big bass.  They studied and watched fishing videos on You Tube for hours and hours.   And finally when it got warm enough to swim they would tie goggles on the ends of their poles and catch each other pretending to be that big fish.

Well boys, it is finally time.   All those months of waiting and it is finally time to make all your dreams come true.

We weren't at the Wetlands for to long and Owen caught a really nice Bass.   Jackson was excited and ran over to Owen and we both admired his catch.

He threw this big guy back in the water and started fishing again and it wasn't 5 minutes later and I heard Owen screaming.   He kept saying it was a big one this time.   Mocha and I ran over to him and he was so excited.   He could feel how big this fish was at the end of his line.    He started getting it up close to the bank and had to jump in the water to get a better handle on him and when that fish got close enough for Owen to see it he screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed.   Jack grabbed his pole and Owen reached in and brought it up out of the water.   

It was HUGE.   Owen had caught a BIG ONE alright.

This was the moment that Owen had been waiting for all year long and he was so excited he couldn't contain himself.

Gabe came running over and was so excited for his brother.   It was a really awesome moment.

I swear this is more exciting then any amusement park or video game.   This truly is what life is about and a moment we will never forget.

Sports Lure and Hats

Gramps finally convinced the boys they needed to come in from the Wetlands for a few hours.    After a full morning of fishing they might have been hungry but they weren't ready to stop fishing without some major convincing.   I think that Gramps had to bribe them with a little trip to the Sports Lure.  They all came back looking sharp in their new hats.

And, it wasn't to long until they were starting to get their gear ready for fishing again.

While the boys were busy getting all their gear ready Mocha continued exploring Wyoming and we are all pretty sure that Mocha LOVES Wyoming.

Fishing, Fishing, Fishing

Up early and ready to get their lines in the water.   They didn't want breakfast.   They just wanted to be out at the Wetlands.  Gramps and I refused to take them without fresh clothes an something in their bellies.  

All morning they fished.   And fished and fished.

Mocha, Gramps, and I came out with the boys and walked along the trail.   Well, I walked and Mocha ran, jumped, and explored.   This was her first time being able to explore the waterside.   She loved it.   She found a turtle shell.   She jumped back and barked and barked.   Not quite sure what to make of this whole new world.    And, Owen also introduced her to some fish when he would catch one.

Each boy caught some fish.   You could hear yelling and screaming all up and down the bank as one of them would reel in the next catch.   Waiting for that big one to bite again.