Friday, February 25, 2011

Big boy world

 I set up our little kids table in the kitchen the other day.  Eli just loves it!  He can sit in a little chair like a big boy and eat his snack or color with his big brother, Owen.  He is so proud to be such a big boy.

He has also started eating with a spoon.  It's not very clean but, he won't let me feed him anymore.  He wants to do it all by himself.  We just get the garden hose out after he's done and hose him off or sometimes we just let Bridger clean him up (ha ha just kidding).

The girls come to the big city

Megan, Amaya, and Adaline came to visit us for the weekend.  The best part was spending four days together and watching our kids play and fight with each other.  Family time is the best.  We were also able to spend the weekend with Megan's best friend, Tonya, who we consider family also.

Here is Gabe at his basketball game showing that he made two baskets.  Good job, Gabe!

The Museum

An afternoon at the Denver Natural History Museum.  The kids had a great time exploring the museum and so did the adults.
 Adaline's favorite part was the fish.

me and migraines

This picture explains how I feel today.  Me with a migraine headache.  This dog's expression says it all.

Even though I feel terrible, I know there is a purpose in my life for my migraine headaches.  I'm not sure what that purpose is and I don't know that I will ever know.  Only God knows their purpose and the reason for the pain they cause.  Sometimes when I am in the middle of a headache, I cry out in frustration, "Why would you put me through this terrible pain"?  "Lord, I can't take care of my children, I can't take care of my husband, or my home".   "Please take this pain away".

But, there is one thing that I do know for sure.  I do know that these headaches have completely changed my life.  They have changed my thinking about health, food, and healthy living.  Three years ago my naturopathic Dr. discovered that I had food intolerances that caused my headaches and this changed my life.  Every meal that I cook, I cook differently.  Every morsel of food that is eaten by me and my family is carefully planned and scrutinized.  We are almost 100% organic and have been eating mostly wild meat (elk, moose, and deer).   I also add "secret ingredients" to all of our food.  These include flax seeds, sweet potatoes, and spinach.  And, for the past three years, I have been on a gluten free diet.  All of these changes have made me a better person in so many ways.  First of all, I do feel much, much better.  I have more energy and for a span of about 3 years, my headaches had gotten better.  Also, I know that my family is much healthier because of these changes and this is a really good thing.

About 2 months ago, I started experiencing my headaches again on a regular basis.  I was very sick and had a headache on and off for about 1 month.  I was suffering and my family was suffering.   Being this sick makes me realize just how important my health really is.  I just can't be sick.  I have three little children that depend on me.

I went to a medical Dr and they prescribed me a drug called Topomax to help prevent these headaches.  I took it for about a week and became even more sick.   I walked around in a fog, I couldn't think or function.  So, I decided to call my Naturopathic Dr. in Billings.  She started me on a detox diet and I am two weeks into it.  I have one week left.  Three years ago I did this detox diet.  I remember it being one of the hardest things that I ever did.  This time around it hasn't been as hard.  Trust me I'm not saying it is easy.  My detox diet protocol is to only eat fruits and vegtables for three weeks.  I may also have one protein in the evening which may include beans, fish, or organic chicken.  No bread, no sugar, no corn, no potatoes, nothing out of a can or jar.  All fresh and organic.  Going to the mall with my sister last weekend was a killer.  On the way through the food court I could smell all the french fries, cinnabons, and carmel corn.  But, I held strong.  I held strong and had a salad for lunch.  And, I'm holding strong today.  Only 1 week left....I can do this.

I'm confident that God is teaching me to be a better person through this.  I am confident that there is a purpose in my pain and that I am doing the right thing by learning more about my health and body.  I am learning to be healthy and bringing my family along for the journey, this I feel good about.  In the core of my being, I trust that I will be able to understand my headaches better and learn a lot about myself.  Yes, the concept of taking a pill and making my headaches go away sounds so much easier but I believe it is so much more complicated than this.  I am trusting that I am doing the right things and making sacrifices for my overall health and the health of my family.  Yes, God has a plan in this.  It doesn't seem to be an easy one.  It's one that is shaping me and bending me in ways that I didn't imagine possible but, it is a good plan just as He promises.  And, I will put my faith in that.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

first book

Today was a full day filled with Star Wars, good friends, and time well spent.  It was a Wednesday.  A Wednesday in Thornton, Colorado in the middle of Feburary.

Gabriel has early release day on Wednesday's.  He gets out of school at 10:00.  This really frees up our afternoons on Wednesdays.  Sometimes we go swimming or to the park but, this afternoon we went over to Arvada to see my good friend, Jill.  Jill has two sweet little girls, Natalie (3) and Allison (1).   It just warms my heart to spend time with her.  We have been friends for over 10 years and I have cherished all the time we have spent together.  God has truly blessed me with this special friendship and I am very thankful.   Now, our children get to enjoy each other which is a double blessing.

 When I picked Gabe from school he was very excited to show me his library book.  Title:  Star Wars, The story of Darth Vadar.  I explained to him that we were headed over to Arvada which would take about a half an hour.  Gabe and Owen were very excited because they could look at their book on the trip.  To my complete amazment, Gabriel started reading to his brother in the car.  The words just started coming out of his mouth.  It was amazing.  He did a really good job and I have to tell you that it brought tears to my eyes to listen to him read.  It was a very special moment and he was so excited that he could share this book with his brother.

A moment right before dinner reading away

We had a great time at Jill's.  We went for a walk and played with all of her toys.  We were a little loud and very active but the girls seemed to love all the commotion.  We had such a great time that we all fell asleep in the car after we got home.  It was a nice nap for everyone.

The day ended with a warm bath, breakfast for dinner (pancakes and eggs), and getting to tell daddy all about our day.   Pretty good for a cold day in February.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine tradition

There is a tradition in the Dahl house on Valentine's day.  It's the one day of the year that we go all out and prepare a spectacular dinner together as a family.  If we could choose from any food in the entire world, no matter the cost, it would be crab.  So, every Valentine's Day we treat ourselves to this sweet seafood.  And, no one loves it more then Gabriel.   He looks forward to our Valentine's day dinner more than anyone.

Gabriel was so excited for our dinner he kept telling me how much he loved me and he made me a valentine.  Isn't it cute!  He said it's a Valentine Tree.  I love it!

This little Valentine didn't quite have the patience to sit through a crab dinner and when all else fails....bring out the sucker.  It works everytime and gave us at least 1/2 an hour more to finish our dinner. 

Happy Valentine's day everyone!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Where I saw love

The day of love.  

Today as I walked in the grocery store, I felt the excitement of the holiday.   As I pushed Eli and Owen in the cart, I let the excitment take over.  We put our shopping on hold and browsed over to the "Valentine" aisle.  We first went and looked at all the red shiny heart balloons.  Then,we then stopped at the flower section and looked at all the different kinds of flowers.  As I was standing in front of the flowers, I noticed all the men around me.  It put a smile on my face as I imagined the happiness these flowers would bring their girlfriends and wives.  One man in particular caught my attention.  Very large with a long beard and motorcycle jacket.   Most of the time, he would have seemed intimidating.  Today, as he was holding a dozen yellow roses, he didn't intimidate me.  He reminded me what love is about.
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.  1 Corinthians 13:4 (New American Standard Bible)

Today, I saw love in a grocery store where I never expected to see love.  Today I saw love in people that I will never know or see again.   And after standing in that flower aisle, I completely changed my mind about Valentines day, flowers, and candy. If this was just an ordinary day, people wouldn't be spending the extra time and money on their loved ones.  It's not just an ordinary day.  It's Valentines day.  A day  that we show love to our family and friends.  Just as Jesus commanded, to love one another.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Palmers

My dear friend Regan came and visited us this past weekend.  Regan, Rob, and their three adorable children, Hayden, Danica, and Micah loaded themselves in their suburban and made the 6 hour drive all the way to Thornton, CO from Sheridan.

I had to post this adorable picture of Regan from this past summer.   This picture tells a lot about my friend as she is holding Adaline.  Regan has the ability to make me laugh in any situation.  Just thinking about Regan puts a smile on my face.  But, it's the kindness and willingness to share her life with me that makes me love her so much.  I just feel very privileged to have such a wonderful friend.

 For a solid week all Gabriel could talk about was "when Hayden comes and visits".  He was so excited to see his friend and he had so many things that he wanted to show him.  Gabriel started asking me at 6:00 in the morning "when is Hayden going to be here?"  All day on Thursday, he waited and waited and waited for them to arrive.   At about 4:00 in the afternoon, in complete frustration, he said "mom, I've been waiting all day and they are not here.  I don't think they are coming".  Just a few more hours...I told him.  "A FEW MORE HOURS".  This was more then he could bear.  But, they finally arrived and he was so excited.  These two little boys had some serious Star Wars to discuss.  They played all weekend and had the best time.

Gabe and Hayden

We all had a good time and didn't get to do as much as we wanted.   So, the Palmers will have to come back soon! 
Owen and Micah walking Bridger

Danica and Eli enjoying breakfast

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jedi nap

My name is Owen.  I am a 4 year old exhausted Jedi Master.  I was so exhausted from my Jedi training that I fell asleep on Bridgers dog bed, my light sabor in hand.  I did get a little cold during my much needed nap so my beloved Grammy covered me up with my Daddy's Wyoming Cowboy blanket.

Watch out "dark side" because when I wake will feel the force.


Frozen, frozen, frozen.  Winter has finally arrived here in Colorado.  Our lake is frozen solid.  The ducks and geese have left.  The wind has been blowing and the snow drifting.  In order to go outside everyone must put on their boots, coats, hats, and gloves.  By the time we are ready to venture outside we are exhausted.

I close my eyes and remember the summertime.  Warm sunshine, green grass, and pop cycles.  This makes me think of Bryan's grandfather.  He is such a neat man.  When I was complaining about the cold weather in Spearfish over Thanksgiving he chuckled and said "It just makes you appreciate summer when it finally comes".  He is right.  If I didn't have to suffer through the long winter, I surely wouldn't appreciate running outside in a tee shirt and shorts on a hot summer day.  And, I will appreciate it!

Come on summer.  I'm ready now and it's only February 8th.

books and quiet

Books, books, books.  We love books at our house.  We read and read and read.  I never tire of sitting on the couch reading to my children.  And there are moments that I catch them enjoying a book without me.  Just sitting quietly totally engrossed in a story.  These are the moments when I know that I have passed my love for reading onto them.  These are the moments when the house is unusually quiet except for the sound of a page turning every few moments.  These are the moments that make me smile and think, "I have done something right".  I just smile and cherish it because in a couple of minutes it will be back to a exciting game of sword fighting or riding our brooms around at lighting speed.  Whatever the next action adventure that they think of next.  The books will be thrown to the side and the adventure will begin.

My baby's cupboard

What child doesn't love to play in the cupboard?  What baby hasn't banged their mommy's pots and pans together as she cooks?  All my boys loved to play in my cupboards and make musical instruments out of my dishes.  I'm not complaining.  This gives my little ones something to do as I whip a gourmet meal in the kitchen.  It gives me those precious 5 minutes that I need to melt the cheese, cut the vegetables, and cook the meat. 

Eli has his own personal cupboard full of nonbreakable pots, pans, and a few special toys he is allowed to play with.  While I'm making lunch, Eli can play, create, and make lots of noise in the kitchen.  Here he is entertaining himself.