Tuesday, June 29, 2010

2nd stop

We quickly realized that with a baby and two preschoolers we weren't able to make it very far before someone needed to go to the bathroom or get a diaper changed. This just gave us a perfect opportunity to pull over and enjoy the mountains. Here are some more pictures of the Bear Tooth Mountains.

Gabe loved the big boulders and decided to run and jump on each one. We also went for a little walk and found the perfect target for the boys....a rock.

Bear Tooth

Our big adventure to Yellowstone National Park. I hadn't been there since I was a kid and we were excited to share this part of Wyoming with the boys. We decided to start our vacation in Montana and spent the first night in Red Lodge. The hotel had a pool so the boys got to swim and sit in the hot tub. The next morning we were on our way to Yellowstone over the Bear Tooth Mountain pass. It was beautiful. If I wouldn't have kept falling asleep, I would have really enjoyed it. Poor Bryan having to enjoy the scenery all by himself.

Here is our first stop at a rest area on the top of the pass. The really exciting part was the chipmunks that kept running in and out of the wall, wanting to be fed. The boys loved these little critters. We could have stayed there all day watching them but we had lots to see so we hustled them in the car.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Home again (finally)

Father's Day 2010. It was a great day. It was so good to have Bryan home. Bryan came home from Pennsylvania and we were able to spend all day as a family. This is something I cherish a lot more then I used to. Being alone for three months has given me a whole new outlook on life. I appreciate the little things so much. I appreciate that Bryan gets up most mornings with the boys. I appreciate that he takes them fishing every chance he gets. I appreciate that the lawn was mowed when he was home. I appreciate that he put gas in the car. I appreciate that he holds Eli when I cook. The list can go on and on. To give it short and sweet. Bryan is a wonderful husband, father, provider, and family man. I missed him terribly these past three months and am so glad to have him home!!

Happy Father's Day, Bryan! You deserve your 42 inch LCD. Now, if we can keep the kids away from it long enough for you to enjoy it.

Here are some pictures from our day out at Lake Desmet.

The Haircut

Sitting at breakfast one morning last week. Gabe walks into the dining room with that gleam in his eye and smile on his face. I had to ask him, "What did you do"? Then, I looked at his hair. He cut a big chunk out of the front of his bangs. He was so proud of himself. Now everyone could see the Harry Potter scar that he drew on his forehead.

Over the next few days we went through lots of emotions. Gabe decided he didn't like his haircut because people kept asking him about it. He didn't want me to cut his hair short either. So, we kept it long until he decided he was ready for a haircut.

When he was ready I took a razor and buzzed his head. I was pleasantly surprised because I really like his hair short. His haircut looks really good and no more funny haircut.

Here is Gabe and his brothers after his haircut. Even Bridger joined the picture but doesn't look to happy. My 5 year old looks so grown up with short hair!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Moments off my deck

This morning I woke up and decided to sit out on my deck for a few minutes before my day got to hectic. The clouds hung low in the valley below the mountains. This doesn't happen very often so I decided to take a couple of pictures. What a beautiful morning.

Tonight as I was putting the kiddos in bed I noticed a bright orange light coming through the window. The sunset was magnificent. Wanted to capture the moment. Pictures never do the beauty of a sunset justice but, here's my best try.

I love my house and my view. What a beautiful place to live. It does a soul good.

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For the love of the game

Here is a few moments from tball. The boys had a great time learning the great American game. There were moments of laying down in the field, hitting each other with their mitts, and wrestling with each other. There were also moments when they played the game very well, catching the ball, batting, and running to bases. 3-5 year olds are a very unpredictable bunch when it comes to this game (but so darn cute).

Playing outfield takes so much patience!

Gabe is playing second base here. I wonder what he is telling this little girl?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dead Carp

A family day at Lake Desmet. It is so much fun to be outside fishing with the boys. We were having a perfect day until.....Bridger decided to roll in a dead carp. Wouldn't have been so bad but he had to sit between Bryan and I on the way home. If I didn't love that dog so much he might have stayed at Lake DeSmet. Our lives would not be so full without that wonderful black lab. Dead fish and all.


One of the biggest miracles in life is a baby. It's incomprehensible that a tiny life lives inside you for nine months and when they are born, they are these perfect little human beings. Each little being is a one of a kind little person that will grow up and change the world. It's even a bigger miracle that we are trusted with these little creatures and it's our task to take care of them until they grow up.
On May 28th my beautiful niece was born. She is so perfect, so beautiful, such a miracle. I am so excited to think of being part of her life and spending time with her. Watching her grow up and helping her along the way.
Eli is 6 months old and I have already forgotten how small and wonderful these creatures are. In 6 months Eli has gone from a little newborn who is unaware of his surroundings to an active little baby who loves his brothers and the world around him. It happens so fast. Treasure these pictures because next time I post them she will be much bigger.

Monday, June 7, 2010

School is out and summer is just starting. All winter long we look forward to these days. These days of freedom, beautiful weather, cold ice cream, and running through the sprinkler.

Before all the fun begins we had a few things to finish up at school. Amaya was in a play at her school. Here she is being Anasi the Spider. She had the lead part and did an excellent job. She knew all her lines and acted like a pro. The boys and I went up to the school and watched the play. It was so cute!

We also had Gabe's graduation from preschool. He is a preschool graduate and ready for Kindergarten next year. Here is a picture of Gabe and his teacher Miss Tammy. Miss Tammy and Gabe have a very special relationship. She was an excellent teacher and Gabe had a really good experience in preschool.

Kids love the funniest things

Kids love to do the funniest things. Two favorite things to do today. Number one: Shovel hay into a trailer with a large pitch fork for no apparent reason. Who knew that would be entertaining? Number two: Swim in a freezing flooded field. It was especially fun to splash each other and sit down fully clothed. Did get a little cold and very wet. This didn't distract from the fun. All this resulted in taking both kids home completely naked. So glad I didn't have to stop at Walmart for an emergency supply of diapers or other items. Went straight home and crawled in bed exhausted after our day of getting wet and playing farmer.

My Life

Oh my gosh....this picture sums up my life. Three boys, as cute as can be. Cowboys in PJ's, fresh out of the bath. Does life get any better then this?
I guess that depends on which moment you ask me that question. There are moments when all three are screaming and needing something that I would trade it for a cold Corona on the beach. Wait a minute....I would even be the waitress serving the cold Corona on the beach. Just give me a beach somewhere.
No, after looking at this cute picture, I wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the world. I love my boys and here they are...the three Dahl brothers.