He's growing so fast. He changes everyday. When we first moved to Thornton, he couldn't climb stairs, stand up, or crawl. He used to sit quietly and watch the world from the seat of his stroller. Now he wants out to explore. He wants to put things in his mouth, climb on everything, and follow his brothers everywhere. An adventure to the park with Eli is indeed an adventure these days. No more sitting under the shade tree for mommy. I'm up and climbing on everything with Eli.
Yesterday, we were at Jake's house (Owen's new friend) for a play date. Jake has two large golden retrievers. Eli loved them. They were big and loud and liked to bark at us. He laughed at them and then out of nowhere said "Dog". He kept pointing and saying "dog, dog, dog, dog, dog. It was very cute. Another milestone reached.
I also remember Gabe's first word. Duck. We had a duck in our living room in Arvada that he loved to play with. One afternoon when we were playing in the living room he said "duck" out of the blue. It all started with this first word and now he doesn't stop talking. His teacher even mentioned to me the other day how verbal he is. She said that he has an excellent vocabulary that is well above the other children. This could be a Brotherton trait?
Owen's first word was mama. I was pushing him on the swing and he started saying "ma ma, ma ma". Owen is not quite the talker that Gabriel is. In fact, most of the time, Gabriel talks for Owen. Owen is quiet but so smart and says the cutest little things. For example, this morning we were walking Gabriel to school and he found a rolly polly bug. It was rolled up in a ball in his hand and he looked up at me and said "mom, we can bounce him, right?" "Bounce him?" "I don't think that is a very good idea, it would be better to gently put him back in the grass". Unfortunately, he didn't listen to me and the rolly polly bug was bounced on the ground several times before he went to rolly polly bug heaven. Owen's favorite activity proved to be "bouncing" a rolly polly bug.
I'm not quite sure that I'm ready for three talking little boys. Ready or not Eli will be talking soon and I am excited to watch him grow and change and yes start talking.
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