Monday, May 21, 2012

Black Fog

Keeping things in perspective is really hard today.   This depression has creeped up on me.  The depression that has come with each pregnancy.  It feels like a black fog that covers my eyes and doesn't allow me to see things the way they really are.  Because all I see is the fog.   A blackness that pulls me down.

As I looked back at these pictures that I took today, I couldn't believe it was the same place that my feet traveled.  My eyes didn't see what my camera captured.  I was elsewhere, going through the motions.  You see, my mind was running it's anxious circles.  Chores that needed done, calls that needed made, thinking, I really don't have time for this walk today.  All I could focus on was that black fog that causes me so much anxiety and pain.

My impatience over riding everything, not allowing me to enjoy these moments.  My regret at having yelled at my kids the night before.  My guilt because I'm barely holding things together.  Barely keeping my tears inside the brims of my eyes.  Barely, smiling when I meet someone on the street.  Barely, able to hold myself together.  Trying to be strong, trying to rise above all these emotions.

Eli stops and gets out of his stroller.  He wants to throw rocks in the lake.  I take a deep breath.  I don't want him to.  I don't want to be standing at this lake any longer.  I really don't want to be anywhere right now.  I'm still not seeing clearly and don't until I looked at this picture tonight.  These are things that usually make me smile and bring me so much joy.  My son, still in his pajamas because I couldn't muster up the energy to fight the battle when he refused to get dressed.  My son, holding the garage door opener because that is what he does.  He loves to carry it around with him just waiting for the excitment of opening the door when we return home.  I missed him, my precious two year old, and the beauty of the lake.  I never saw it.

Eli sees a pair of ducks and runs over to them.  He is so excited.  I follow him.    I remember taking these pictures and thinking how nice it would be to just swim away from it all.  Just swim and swim, not worrying about anything else.   My reality pulls me back in and I start focusing on what needs to be done.

We have to say "bye bye" to the ducks and head to car.  It's time to get Owen, make lunch, and throw in a load of laundry before we go get Gabriel from school.  There isn't enough time to do everything and my anxiety starts causing me panic.  So, I take one last look at the ducks and more then anything just want to swim away.


  1. oh, friend. this is hard. even when your heart was somewhere else, you showed up for him, for yourself. the pictures were in focus, even if your mind, was a little lost. oh, that i could just squeeze you right now.

  2. I've been there. So I understand what it feels like to want to "not be anywhere". It is a dark time. My you continue to be inspired by the photos to live in the moment..... the moment do pass so quickly whether we are ready to enjoy them or not. You can't "will" yourself out of depression, but sometimes focusing on the truth and just what's really true.... sometimes it can help, if even for a moment, that is one moment it (the darkness) doesn't have to claim.

  3. i feel your struggle in this...and i am glad you can see through the pics at least and now savor the moment...and i am glad you remembered reality and did not swim away...

  4. You are not alone. I will be praying for you. The thing I have learned from my own fight is that depression is a big fat liar. You see the truth in the photos, but your brain and your thoughts are lying to you. The hardest thing is the fight against yourself. It's humbling, and it's hard.
    Take care of yourself. Be kind to yourself. Know that you are not alone. Know that you are loved by God no matter what. No matter if you yell or have angry thoughts or fail or are full of guilt. He takes you as you are, he knows all of it and he loves you. HE. LOVES. YOU. SO. MUCH.

  5. I was in a dark tunnel like this once. By God's grace, there really was a light at the end. Praying for you.

  6. hey I have struggled like you...
    I want to encourage you to get some supplements for adrenals and thyroid.
    I have seven kids...and I tell ya what... you sound like your system is just taxed.
    Be blessed..I know what it's like.

  7. i agree with everything joann said, dear kris. and i know these feelings too. they are very valid. listen to your body, your mind, your heart: they're begging you for kindness and love. if possible, take a break from the kids for a day... can you get someone to watch them? you are only human. love you friend. praying hard. xo

  8. Kris, i just saw this. If this day was a one time occurrence, i think it's a part of motherhood and being a woman. But if you find yourself having more and more days like this, i agree with the comments above - i think you should reach out for help. Talk to your pastor or a therapist or someone you trust - those thoughts are NOT who you are. Remember that - when i was depressed last year, i just thought that was the way i saw the world, but it wasn't. My "fog" was depression - i don't know if yours is or not, but it certainly wouldn't hurt anything to reach out to someone. It can only benefit you and your boys! (If it makes it easier for you, tell yourself you're doing it for THEM - that's what i had to do!) Big hug from here, wish i lived closer so i could watch them for you. Please send me a note if you need anything!
