Gabriel turned 10 years old. Gabriel at age 10 is a pretty amazing young man. He is full of more life and energy then can easily be expressed here. He is constantly in motion. If he is not telling one of his famous "Gabe stories", he is singing, whistling, playing his recorder or making some other sort of noise. He always has a ball in his hands. Baseball, football, basketball...anything that he can throw. More often then not either myself or Bryan is telling him to BE QUIET. "Gabe, be quiet". "Gabe, stop throwing that ball". "Gabe, STOP THAT".
Every morning he wakes up early. He is always the first one up. He was just born that way (very unlike his mother or father). He doesn't seem to mind that he usually has to entertain himself until everyone else decides to wake up at an hour that is much more reasonable.
Gabriel is a true leader and thrives on helping people or bossing them around whichever way you look at it. He loves showing people how to do things and is usually telling his brothers where to go and what to do. When playing a game, he loves organizing and telling everyone their positions. He is also a very good coach, always teaching his brother the proper way to throw a baseball or football.
Gabriel is so very smart. He can read something once and remember it forever. School comes easy to Gabriel and when he feels confident he excels at everything he does. Yet, he also has a part of him that struggles with authority and the whole structure of school. It never fails, before he can show his true potential he has to test every boundary, every teacher, every classroom. For the past several years, most of his grades were failing before he brought them back up to A's and B's. It used to frustrate me but now I just take everything away that he loves and he then he starts to work hard and bring his grades back up.
Gabriel is kind and sweet. He loves his little brothers and sister and always amazes me with his thoughtfulness. He rose extra early on Grace's birthday and came in my room to tell me that he wanted to make her a birthday present. He said he wanted to learn to sew on a button so he could make her another "butty" (her banket that she loves that has buttons in it). He cut out material and with some help sewed three buttons on it for his little sister. Then, he got out a some paper and made her a card with buttons all over it and he laid it all out on the table for her before she got up. Oh such sweetness!
Gabriel is always the one reminding me of what is really important. When I am upset he is always the one to put things into perspective for me. Just the other day as we were praying for Amaya he reminded me that we should be thanking God for shrinking her tumor. He said "Mom, her tumor is going to be gone so just say thank you". Yep, are so right. Just be thankful! He was given a biblical name after Gabriel, the angel. Gabriel is a messenger for God, appearing to Mary and other people in the bible. Gabriel is my messenger. My first born. My son.
Gabriel is an awsome baseball player. He plays 1st base for his team, The Tigers. He is loyal to his coaches and teammates and works very hard at every practice and every game. He is very proud of his accomplishments and never complains about all the practices and games. When he doesn't perform well or makes a mistake he always takes it so hard. I love to watch my son play baseball. He is out there giving it his whole heart and living in the moment. He is doing something he loves and working hard at the same time.
My son is pretty amazing. Double digits already. So proud of him!
He also loves to design and make birthday cakes. This year he wanted a Pokemon cake. So here it is. A big Pokeball.
Here are some pictures of the 10th birthday party. He got an Xbox for his birthday and loves to play on it with his friends. There were 4 friends, a pool party, pizza, and a slumber party. What more could a 10 year old ask for?
Happy Birthday, Gabe!