Thursday, February 21, 2013


The light from my computer lights up the room.  I sit in my soft pink bathrobe, thinking about my day. What can I write about that would explain today? 

Diapers changed, meals fixed, laundry folded, babies nursed, coats zipped, arm exercises done, crying soothed, dishes done, toys picked up.  Yes, these are the things I did but, this wasn't the things I wanted to remember about my day.  So, I keep thinking.  I remember my feelings throughout the day.  Feeling angry, exhausted, frustrated.  Feeling joyful, thankful, and happy.  Could I have felt all those things in one day?  Yes, I did.  There were moments when I wanted to scream like Eli, when I put spaghetti in front of him.  There were moments when I wiped away hot tears of frustration from being overwhelmed and lonely.  But, there were moments when I played and ran with my kids.  I laughed out loud with Grace and Owen.  Moments when thankfulness welled inside me as I talked with my sister and felt loved.  Moments when I missed my husband so much that my stomach hurt so I texted him, just to feel a little closer.  These were the things that I wanted to remember.  Yes, the good and the bad.  It all makes up who I am.  Who my kids are.

And, I remember the snow.  The beautiful snow.  Snow that fell straight down in huge flakes.  Snow that made my backyard so white and beautiful.

And, I remember wet cold noses and fingers.  Giggling boys as they threw snow at each other.  Beautiful snow angels.

Catching snow flakes with their tongues.

I remember gluten free cookies and hot chocolate.  And, as I sipped my tea and ate cookies we talked about school and friends and our Daddy.  And, when they asked if they could have another cookie, I said yes.  I said yes 4 times because we were enjoying it so much. And, I remember Grace grabbing my coffee cup and wanting to join in.

This is the memory I want to hold close from today.  A memory of a cold Feburary day when we bundled up and went outside, when we gorged ourselves on cookies and enjoyed each others company.   This is the memory I will treasure.


  1. Goodness I could not get my children in the car to go to school this morning because they wanted to run around catching snowflakes on their tongues. :)

    This a wonderful group of pictures!
    I'm visiting today from Thursday's Favorite Things.

  2. Great story and beautiful kids.

  3. i love how you allowed yourself to truly think about the day, to remember. to scrapbook with your thoughts. this shows you are seeking to love yourself. bless you friend. i pray your good moments will always be more than your bad. xo

  4. Lovely memory you painted here, of a life well lived. Your kids are darling.

  5. Kris,

    Nice to meet you! I'm hopping over here from the Imperfect Prose link up. Thanks for this glimpse into your day. I especially enjoyed the line" and I said yes four times..." Ahh, savoring those times with our kids. :)

    Jennifer Dougan
