Monday, December 12, 2011

Milk Blowing

Sometimes, kids just do the funniest things. 

As I was doing the dishes this morning, I could hear Owen blowing bubbles in his milk.  Without looking at him, I told him "Owen, please stop blowing in your milk". 

As I was working on the few last pots and pans, I continued to hear the sound of "milk blowing".  "Owen Robert Dahl, stop blowing in your milk", I yelled. 

Then, I turned to see what he was doing.  It made me stop in my tracks.    Then, I smiled.  Then, it made me laugh and I went and got my camera.  Then, I cheered him on just to see how high those bubbles would go.  Eli seemed to love it as well.  He kept saying, bubba, bubba, bubba. 

Kids just have a way of taking something ordinary and bringing joy into it.  Joy and laughter into an everyday milk blowing session.

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