Monday, February 13, 2012

Breath of Fresh Air

As I sit in my rocker, taking a break from my chores, I take a deep breath and fill my soul with gratefulness.  My breath is like a warm spring day and, as the warmth fills my lungs and travels over the rest of my body...these are the sights and sounds that I hear and see.

4 boys (my three and Daniel) are upstairs singing and dancing to the Wiggles.  They are all having such a good time with a goal of entertaining their littlest brother.   They are dancing with no inhibitions and singing the lyrics however they want....this is a breath of fresh air on this cold winter day as I listen to the silliness and freedom of childhood.

At my feet is a collection of swords, guns, and baseball bats.  Next to this mess on the floor are 2 of Eli's letter machines.  These toys that entertain my two little boys are a welcome site....even as they lay all over the floor.  They bring so much joy and entertainment to our day and when I look at them this way, I don't mind that they make my living room like an obstacle course.

An old black lab lays at my feet.  Sleeping.  Every once in a while he whines as he chases rabbits in his sleep.  My faithful friend who has brought me so much love and joy.

I take another deep breath and enjoy this moment.  Trying to keep my anxious thoughts from invading my mind.  The mountain of laundry on my bed.  Dinner that needs to be make.  The vacuum sitting in the dining room waiting to be pushed around.   Ohhhh, all the work.....

They can all wait.  Go away, I say.  I will get to them later. They are not that important.

It's important for me to take a few moments and enjoy my day.  Enjoy the loud kids music, toys that are spread all over the house and a faithful dog who is always near.  It's important for me to find myself in the midst of all of this because truthfully I can get lost in it all if I don't pay attention.

And, there are days that I am just the mom who picks up the toys, feeds the dog, and turns the TV off so her boys with not be couch potatoes.  These are the days that I forget to stop and be thankful for what is around me.   The responsibility of all that needs to get done "swallows" me and I forget who I am and what my job is.  I'm just frustrated and overwhelmed feeling like all I do is wait on everyone, organize everyone, and take care of everyone.

That all changes when I reach out in gratitude because I remember who I am and I remember what it is I'm doing all day long.

I am a wife, who is loved and cherished.   I am Gabe, Owen, and Eli's mom who has the most important job in the raise Godly men.  I am a dog owner who loves to take walks and run with her dog.  I am the luckiest sister in the world because frankly, I have the best sister in the world.  I am a Aunt who cherishes her nieces more then they will ever know.  I am an oldest daughter who is so thankful for such wonderful parents and in laws.  And, am also a friend who cherishes all of my girl friends and the time we get to spend together.

Wow, there is so much to be thankful for and when I take a few minutes to take a few deep breaths it runs through my body and cleanses me of all the bitterness, self pity, and jealousy.  It is truly my breath of fresh air.


  1. You are a beautiful writer...and I totally agree with your philosophy! Enjoy life, and those babies in the "now." My three are now 31, 28 and 25...where on earth did the time go?!?

    Stop by my blog and say hi :)

    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life

  2. Beautifully written. Thank you for linking up at Katherines Corner xo
