Monday, October 18, 2010

My breath is whining?

Owen has entered the land of meltdowns. I know that every kids goes through this stage. I just never thought that my sweet little Owen would ever throw these kinds of fits. It's hard to believe that my perfect little angel can turn into the Tasmanian Devil.

Every mom knows and understands these fits. Some of the symptoms are screaming, hitting, laying on the floor, face turning red, and spitting. These fits never make sense and even if you tried to appease your fit throwing child they would find something else to throw a fit about. In their world, it is time to have a good fit and the best thing to do is ignore it.

This particular fit throwing morning was beautiful. The perfect morning to ride your bike and go pick your brother up from school or so I thought. I could tell that Owen was tired, but I wanted him to get some fresh air. So, I told him he had to ride his bike to go and pick up Gabe. In retrospect......big mistake.

From the moment he mounted his bike he was crying. He was riding his bike and screaming. I kept asking him "Owen, what's wrong, why are you crying?" There really wasn't a good answer. He just kept saying "my breath is whining". My breath is whining? what does that mean? I'm not sure I will ever really know but in Owens world it means, I'm having a meltdown.

With my great mommy wisdom, I thought, I will take care of this. I have to stop this fit. "Owen", I said "if your breath doesn't stop whining you won't be able to ride your bike to Gabe's school". I thought for sure he would straighten up. He loves to ride his bike. Boy, was I wrong. I had to follow through with my threat so we parked his bike beside a tree and left it behind.

Man oh man, this just increased the meltdown by about 50 notches. Now he was screaming at the top of his lungs "I want my bike, I want my bike". Decision time. We had 10 minutes to get to Gabe's school. Not enough time to go back and get the bike or to return the fit thrower back home. We had to just keep walking. Screaming child and all.

I just want to apologize to my mother who thought she was going to take a nice relaxing walk to Gabe's school. Owen screamed all the way to the school and all the way home. When we did return to his bike, he didn't want it. There was no way around this meltdown.

I always judged these types of fits until I became a mother. I thought, that mother should really get control of her child. If that was my child, he wouldn't be screaming at the top of his lungs. At this stage in the game, I have accepted these fits as a part of life and I try and ignore them as much as possible.

Now,we have a new expression around out house. When someone is crying all you have to do is ask "Is your breath whining?" It puts a smile on every one's face. I suppose that everyone breath whines at some point.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet...and this, too, shall pass. Smile through as much as you can because it will pass too quickly.
