Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Today at our MOPS meeting a couple came and talked to us about getting our kids ready for Kindergarden. She is a stay at home mom and he is the principle of a elementary school here in town. They talked about playing games with your kids, reading with your kids, and working on fine and gross motor skills. I left the meeting today feeling pretty good about all the things that Bryan and I do with the boys to prepare them for life. We do spend a lot of time with the boys and do many things with them.

For example...

This weekend I took the boys ice skating. I'm pretty sure that ice skating works on every muscle and motor skill that exists. I have to say my back was pretty sore after 2 hours of skating with little Owen. When we first got to the ice skating rink I was nervous because I didn't know how I was going to help both of them. Well, I shouldn't have been nervous because Gabriel put on those ice skates and started making laps around the rink. I was impressed, he is a good little ice skater. Owen was a little more difficult but between him and I we got our exercise!

My very good friend, Riley, is going to be moving to Casper this week. Her husband has a job in Casper and her and her kids are moving down there with him. I will miss her very much. Every once in a while you meet a friend that you connect with instantly. Riley and I were that way. She has two boys close to Gabe and Owen's age and I love hearing all the stories she tells about her boys because I can relate with all of them. She also lives in the house that I lived in as a teenager. It's a great little ranchette out in the country and is such a great house for a family. On Monday morning some of us girls got together to say goodbye to Riley. We will all miss her but, look forward to a road trip to Casper to see her and her boys!!

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